Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Zubov Asks For a Trade

As if further proof is required that for the most part, drafting Russian players is a complete waste of a pick, Ilya Zubov has apparently asked for a trade. How many Russian picks do the Sens have sitting over in Russia or out of the organization due to trade demands when their under conditioned, indiffernt and unmotivated asses were demoted to the AHL?

Off the top of my head:

Mirnov, Nikulin, Kaigorodov, Lyamin, Anikeyenko, Bashkirov.

All I can say is, "Thank God old man Muckler is no longer in charge of our draft".

What bothers me the most is that, for the most part, these picks show up in camp out of shape, lack effort on a consistent basis, need their brother on the team or can't seen to find their way to the airport out of Moscow. Then, when they're told to work harder, get in better shape, play more of a team game, play some defense, play more physically and then you might make the team, the bolt home or cry for a trade.

Hey, now that I think about it.... is Heatley part Russian?

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